Christelle Alexandre is from the South of France. However, she has found another 'home' in the blogosphère where her imagination and creativity can fly free. Christelle calls the blogosphere a butterfly effect’ .. where even smallest of the bloggers can contribute to improve the blogosphère.
Blogger Story Teller: Christelle Alexandre, Mkgmd - le mag du marketing multidimentionnel
My Blog Story especially for Toby
Hi, I’m a French blogueuse who lives in the South of France, in Aix-en-Provence more exactly, and I’m going to tell you how the magic of blogosphère led me here.
My story is that of a simple marketing assistant who dreamed to express herself more than what was allowed to her in her job. In that way, I’ve got many common points with Emma, the heroin of ‘Can you keep a secret’, a novel written by Sophie Kinsella. Indeed, I did not yet reach fulfillment in my professional career and I miss a boy friend!!
Whereas I was bemoaning my fate, my sister advised me to create my blog!! One year and three months later, it’s not easy for me to remember how I could live without this strange tool which allows me to give free play to my imagination and creativity. Indeed, my blog is for me an open door to a world where ideas are more important than your age, appearance or social status contrary to the true life. the energy of red and the happiness of yellow, moreover, it symbolizes vitality, independence and creativity!
Thanks to my blog I meet people who grant their confidence to me and make me progressing! Step by step, my blog helps me to affirm me by rising of challenges: the latest in date was to take active part to a conference on Customer Relationship Strategies where I spoke ahead a professional congregation about Kidults (strange grown ups who kept their child’s heart and eyes) and how Kids could influence the way of setting up CRM strategies : you can see all the details by following this link. .
My philosophy is as follow: ‘Les idées ne sont pas faites pour être pensées mais pour être vécues’ – translated in English it means ‘Don’t think, become !!’ and my blog help me to make it happen. Iwrite from time to time some articles for the web site Relation Client. : the latest was about how the blue smarties have disappeared because of a CRM purpose!!
Can you keep a secret? All my hopes and beliefs are summarized in the logo of my blog in the form of coded message. I agree, especially for you to reveal what it means:
- An eye because the iris of the eye is single for each human being and my blog wants to be singular. Moreover, I wish to carry a critical and relevant glance to the marketing strategies which surround us in the everyday life.
- A butterfly because I’d like to fly in the blogosphere to discover all hidden treasures of the Web which would never appears in google!! But above all because I believe in ‘butterfly effect’ not in the devastator way but in the direction where even smallest of the blogers can contribute to improve the blogosphère.
- A touch of orange around the title because this color carry on the energy of red and the happiness of yellow, moreover, it symbolizes vitality, independence and creativity!!
Since my blog story is blogos’féérique, I have hesitated to begin this story as a fairytale by ‘There was once ...’ but I didn’t chose this option because as same the fairytales have an end, as if it is a happy end and I do not wish to in no case that this adventure finish.
By way of closing remark, I remember that when I was a little girl, my parents and professors said unceasingly that I was in the moon. Today, I will say that they were not entirely right: it is more adapted of saying than ' I am in my blogosphère’ ;))
To be continued ;)) ...
Technorati Tags: Blogger_Stories, Business_Blogs, France
Barbara's Journey Toward Justice and Author Dennis Fritz Expo America NYC 2007
Jan., 2007, I read Dennis Fritz's book "Journey Toward Justice" . I was so influenced by this book, I started my first blog, - titled, "Barbara's Journey Toward Justice". I decided to join Dennis Fritz's Journey to bring public awareness to issues such as:
Wrongful Convictions - Death Penalty - The Exonerated - Faith - The Criminal Justice System and The Innocence Project.
In the past 6 months I have received hundreds of emails from people all over the world. Last month I received an email from James Riordan - Seven Locks Press the Publisher of Dennis Fritz's Book. Mr. Riordan invited me to the Book Expo 2007 NYC Jacob Javits Center. I answered his email saying, yes, in a few days he sent me tickets. I must say, I was very excited to get to meet and talk with Dennis Fritz. I will post more about the show and my meeting Dennis Fritz at a later date. I had a wonderful time, Dennis Fritz is an amazing gentleman with some great stories. There is just so much to write about. I will be posting some stories and more photos.
Posted by: Barbara Owens | July 21, 2007 at 02:15 PM