Meet Easton Ellsworth a professional blog copywriter. However, for Easton, blogs are more than just means to make a living. Blogs open doors to global friendships and understanding of how the world spins. And for Easton it spins smaller every day through his interactions in the blogosphere.
Blogger Story Teller: Easton Ellsworth, BusinessBlogWire, Know More Media
How Blogging Has Changed My Life
If we met on the street two years ago and you advised me to prepare for a career involving technology, I would have wholeheartedly agreed. If you then predicted that my new part-time copywriting job for an online publisher would eventually lead to a full-time editorial position, I'd have simply laughed. But if you remained serious and warned me that blogging would become so fun and so important to me that I would eventually quit grad school for it, I'd have immediately stopped laughing and asked, "What's blogging?"
On October 17, 2005, I published my first post about professional blogging at BusinessBlogWire. Several weeks later, the Know More Media network officially launched with six flagship blogs, including mine. I was assigned editorial duties ranging from evaluating our authors' posts to discovering geeky Web 2.0-ish tools we could use to promote our network.
In the last 11 months, blogging has brought me dozens of new friends - nearly all of whom I will probably never meet offline. Yet we are friends, for the words and images and ideas we've shared have made us care about each other.
In the last 11 months, blogging has paid my bills. It continues to do the same for a growing number of people.
In the last 11 months, blogging has broadened my perspective. I know more about the world and the people in it thanks to blogs and bloggers.
Were it not for blogging, I don't know how I could have met and grown to love so many wonderful men and women who have endured the fury of Hurricane Katrina and the ensuing hell in the New Orleans and U.S. Gulf Coast area - and who have blogged about it.
In short, blogging has opened my mind and life up to a new vision of what people can do when they work together.
And I wouldn't change that for the world.